You’ve been looking at this date on your calendar for weeks, if not months: the point at which cold temperatures will finally give way to Spring weather, and you’ll be able to head out to the pond for your first bout of fishing. And then, on that blessed morning, it strikes you: You should have set a date to go to the outdoor outfitters for some new supplies.
But is that necessary? Your rod seems to be in good shape, you’ve still got a nice collection of lures and hooks… but what about your line? Is it safe to use after months in storage, or are you at risk of losing your first big catch of the year?
This question, like many, depends on many factors.
The first is what kind of line you put into storage at the end of last season. If you’re a fan of braid, you should be good to go. Braided line, when treated properly, can be used in the water for years.