There is no more fishing in winter, so the rod needs careful maintenance to prolong its life. If carbon fishing rods are not in use, it is best to put them in their original box. After loading into the original box, don’ t put in the general room, to store it in the temperature is often maintained between 20 and 25°C(68-77°F), humidity is not greater than 60 dry storage room. The fishing rod without the original box should be first put into the cloth rod sleeve, and then the fishing rod with the rod bag. The rod box and rod bag should be placed upright in the storage room, not horizontally, so as to avoid pressure damage and deformation.
At the end of spring each year, when the temperature and room temperature difference between day and night is small, open the storage room to allow indoor and outdoor air circulation, and take out the new carbon fishing rod and gently wipe the dust clean with suede (or with eyeglass cloth) section by section. A thin layer of wax should be applied after the old rod is dusted to keep it clean and bright (no wax is needed for the new rod). Then take the rod back to the storeroom. If you don't have a storage room at home, you can make a collection cabinet with a tight cabinet door and put the fishing rod in the cabinet. Collection ark should be placed in the sunlight, summer indoor temperature is not too high, maintain the following 28 to 30°C(82.4-86°F); Don't get too cold in winter. Keep the room temperature at 18 to 20°C(64.4-68°F).
Never use fishing rods as ornaments, pulled together and placed on the wall. Over time, the carbon rod not only falls to dust (frequent wiping of the rod will reduce the brightness of the top waterproof paint), but also easily deforms. At the same time, this kind of polymer products have aging problems, the aging factors have three, that is, light aging, heat aging and ultraviolet aging. Exposing carbon rods to outdoor exposure for long periods of time also causes them to age faster. Therefore, it is necessary to keep this kind of fishing rod in a storage room or cabinet that is protected from light and constant temperature to prolong its life.
Maintenance of fishing rod